2014 Chiapa de Corzo, México

VOSH / Sud-Est 2014

Chiapa de Corzo, México


On July 17, 2014, 31 US and Canadian volunteers from VOSH-Southeast travelled to Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico to provide primary eye care to the underserved of the region. The volunteer group included 4 optometrists, 2 opticians/ophthalmic assistants, 2 AIIC, 16 optometry students, 5 undergraduate students, et 2 retired school teachers; 7 of the volunteers were fluent in Spanish.

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Our arrival in Chiapa de Corzo was uneventful with the exception of rain that greeted us on our short walk to our hotel. On nous a dit un tremblement de terre avait récemment frappé la région du Chiapas, mais les dommages ont été minimes et par le regard des choses, thankfully not much had changed since VOSH-SE’s last visit in 2012.


We started each day at the house of Pilar for a locally made, hearty breakfast. Tous les repas sont préparés par Pilar et sa merveilleuse famille tout au long de la semaine. Ceux qui ont des besoins alimentaires particuliers ne furent pas déçus dans la variété des aliments offerts; all were well nourished!


Clinic was once again set up at the Lion’s Club Hall, a pleasant six block walk from our hotel; clinic ran from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm with a short mid-afternoon break. Les soins oculaires primaires a été livré avec succès à des patients grâce à des stations qui comprenait l'enregistrement, acuité visuelle, auto-réfraction, retinoscopy, triage, blood pressure/blood sugar testing, glaucoma testing, disease, and glasses dispensing. Our 5 ½ days of clinic enabled us to see, evaluate, and treat 1998 patients and approximately 2000 pair of glasses were dispensed.

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Building on our first two ventures to Chiapa de Corzo, VOSH-SE and the Lion’s Club advanced local community engagement to include prescription spectacle manufacturing for those patients not fit with prescription glasses on the day of clinic and cataract/pterygium referrals. Plus de 200 eyeglass prescriptions were produced locally at minimal cost to these patients ($3-$8) and over 160 patients were referred for cataract/pterygium surgery.


A local non-profit surgical facilitator was contacted prior to our July visit. VOSH-SE via VOSH / INTL de TTP Program was able to provide a necessary lane of equipment to this group; VOSH-SE also provided the necessary topical ophthalmic medications for the referred cataract/pterygium surgeries. Il est le but de VOSH-SE et le Club du Chiapas Lion d'avoir toutes ces références chirurgicales considérés et traités locally by a team of Mexican and American surgeons prior to VOSH-SE’s next visit in 2016.


While this mission and all VOSH trips are successful, VOSH-SE does understand the need to do more. Recherche, teaching, funding, and increased community involvement are integral for clinical sustainability to become a reality in the Chiapas region. VOSH-SE est reconnaissant au Club du Chiapas Lion et est engagé à augmenter et compléter Chiapas lion dans leur établissement d'une clinique / de soins oculaires secondaires primaire personnel localement et dirigée servant Chiapa de Corzo et ses communautés environnantes.


Nous tenons à remercier le Club de Leones de Chiapa de Corzo pour leur généreuse hospitalité durant notre séjour; thank you for making the arrangements for the meals and transportation. En particulier, nous sommes reconnaissants à Jose Alejandro Munoa Pola et Javier Gomez y Gomez et leurs familles pour aider à faciliter la mission.


Thank you to the volunteers who brought their instruments to share with the group. Au nom de VOSH-Sud-Est, nous sommes également reconnaissants à la suivante: Alcon, B L, Allergan, Inc., Ocusoft, Lions Club Recycling Center WI, Allina Health, restoringvision.org, Vision nationale, Gemini, Inc., Mendota Heights-West St. Paul Rotary, Jeff Hommes, Rosa Sanchez Sanchez, Willie Goodrich and Jack Greavu. Nous apprécions votre soutien, donations and collaboration.



Dr. John Spencer, Optométriste; mission clinic director; co-leader

Dr. Gregory DiSanto, Optométriste

Dr. Jennifer Gould, Optométriste

Dr. Melissa Cuan, Optométriste

SuEllen Brauer, VOSH-Southeast

Cookie Mikrut, VOSH-Southeast

Pilar Lozano, ABOC, mission co-leader; translator

Nicole Dahle, certified ophthalmic assistant

Kaushal Chinnusamy, 3rd year optometry student, SUNY

Irene Frantzis, 3rd year optometry student, SUNY

Apoorva Frantzis, 3rd year optometry student, SUNY

Samantha Rao, 3rd year optometry student, SUNY

Kathryn Werner, 3rd year optometry student, SUNY

Andrea Friedman, 4th year optometry student, SUNY

Anna Lange, 4th year optometry student, SUNY

Rachael Johnson, CNA

Carina Hernandez, FIU undergraduate

Diana Guerra, FIU undergraduate

Ingrid Valencia Ortiz, FIU undergraduate

Charles Spencer, U of M Morris, Undergrad

Julian Spencer, student

Carlos Vidal, Student; translator

Elizabeth Addesi, University of Waterloo optometry student

Jenna Astorin, University of Waterloo optometry student

Rose Badame, University of Waterloo optometry student

Lara DiPasquale, University of Waterloo optometry student

Fred Cho Hyunook, University of Waterloo optometry student

Riyad Khamis, University of Waterloo optometry student

Janice Luk, University of Waterloo optometry student

Courtney Maltman, University of Waterloo optometry student

Tina Morowat, University of Waterloo optometry student

VOSH Sud-Est - Fournir des soins de la vue aux personnes du monde entier qui ne peuvent pas se les permettre ou les obtenir.