We find these to be the most frequent questions asked by first timers. If you don’t find your question answered here please feel free to contact us.
- Fee for VOSH Southeast Membership
- $50.00 administrative fee which includes mission insurance
- $30 por noche en habitación individual – $35 per night for a double room
- $4.00 per day for breakfast
- $6.00 per day for dinner most often lunch is provided
- Cost for immunizations, passport, and visa if needed
- Flight Transportation costs unless to Mexico
** Prices may vary **
Go to the VOSH Membership page. Haga clic en el botón Unirse ahora para unirse a VOSH Southeast a través de memberplanet.
Necesitas estar al día con tu membresía. También necesitará un formulario de autorización y un formulario de participante.. Find these forms and more on our Formas page. Su líder de misión debe proporcionarle estos formularios..
We serve up to 126 countries, but most of our missions are in Central and South America.
In Peru, the Nasca Lines, Churches, Manchu Picchu, Ballistra Islands and Wine holidays in Pisco. In Nicaragua – Shopping, Beaches, Volcanoes, Lagas (lakes)
Hotels are comparable to a Comfort Inn. You may experience some problems with hot water, power and heat or air
Please visit our How can I Help page to see ways that you can help VOSH Southeast in our efforts.
No – Your yearly membership fee of $35.00/$20.00 student, helps to support us in our efforts to bring used eyeglasses to the underprivileged. You will only go on missions if you want to.
Membership is only $35.00/$20.00 student, por año. Membership is used to help support our efforts. Por favor, consulte nuestra membership page para más información.
We send periodic Newsletters to keep members up to date with upcoming missions and results of past missions. haga clic aquí Suscripción al boletín VOSH o haga clic en el enlace en el dolor izquierdo del sitio web.
When missions are scheduled we will post it on our Misiones futuras page. Please visit to stay up to date. Watch our Newsletters for information.
When we post a mission on our Future Missions Page a “Jefe de Misión” will be in charge of organizing the trip. You need to email your mission leader to join and get specifics on the mission. Don’t wait until the last minute! Estos viajes toman mucho tiempo para organizarse, así que sea cortés y comuníquese con el líder de su misión con meses de anticipación a su intención de participar en la misión.. Get your paperwork and fees to your mission leader well in advance.