O que há de novo?

A New Model of delivering eye health services

John Gehrig and Susan Stees
The Covid Pandemic wreaked havoc upon our Regional Chapters. VOSH-Southeast (VSE) was not an exception. Moreover, our chapter received an additional crushing blow during October, 2021 caused by the passing of our co-founder, Charlie Covington.

Charlie’s legendary work organizing our chapter mission trips was, quite frankly, a fundamental part of our chapter’s success. Charlie’s loss, layered on top of the general paralysis caused by the pandemic, made our chapter’s future look somewhat uncertain.

We felt we had to change or wither. Felizmente, our VOSH warehouse of resources was not empty. In fact, our actual V-SE warehouse, O Hut Tin, located in Ocala, Florida, has contributed to a surge in Southeast’s impact in the field. Many readers will recall the Tin Hut as V/SE’s repository from which we distribute refurbished equipment and glasses, frames and sunglasses to multiple optometry partner organizations in Central and South America. Continual support from The Tin Hut and our traveling VOSH team members has built the cordial relationships we have with our new optometry foundation partners inthe Dominican Republic and SVOSH-Galileo in Guatemala and SVOSH-Eurohispano in Peru.

The pandemic and the short-term loss of our mission clinic capacity forced us to look to our in-country partners to provide the additional humanitarian services we had been trying to add to their venues. We doubled and tripled down on the long-range support we had been giving. Their response was magnificent. Now we have reached the stage in our relationships where our optometric friends welcome our presence and support in the field with their own vision clinics. Thus, there are now multiple new opportunities for our participation in clinics similar to those which, in the past, Charlie had created for us.

A wonderful fall-out from our new relationships is that V-SE now has the ability to provide opportunities for American nonprofits and NGOs to broaden and expand their capabilities to provide vision services in the areas where we work. An example is the partnership VOSH-Southeast formed with the non-profit “One Ball/One Village”. OBOV provides healthy water supplies and general medical services in underdeveloped regions. Just a few months ago, V/SE worked with OBOV in the Dominican Republic. supplying and staffing its first vision clinic. Além disso, V-SE has formed partnerships with two faith-based eye surgery organizations. We provide optometric support to their surgical clinics in Guatemala, Peru and Honduras. None of these new activities would be possible without the close relationships we have built with our optometric friends and supporters in these countries.

Our partners are now actually bringing to us new venue opportunities, such as Haiti, where we can begin to work closely with existing groups doing visual health work in the field. We look forward to our futureand you certainly are invited to join our efforts.

Image 2 VOSH/Southeast clinic in Guatemala in collaboration with Mission El Faro in March 2022

Always hard at work….

Max Bruss processed 90,000 frames donated byNW Eye Consultants, Marchon, VSP, Altar, Lions Club 25F, Ocala Lions Club, Versent Medical and North Group Optical.

These glasses will be available for upcoming missions.

Parabéns Max Bruss!

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B.A.S.I.C. ajuda 14 as pessoas recebem a cirurgia de catarata!

Com uma bolsa da VOSH Sudeste, B.A.S.I.C. Nicarágua (Irmãos e Irmãs em Cristo Nicarágua) foi capaz de ajudar 14 as pessoas recebem a cirurgia de catarata.

B.A.S.I.C. escolheu os piores casos assim todos 14 as pessoas agora podem ver onde eles estavam cegos anteriormente. Muito obrigado a Foniprece e Dr. Delgado para a realização das cirurgias. Eles ainda têm 40 pessoas em uma lista de espera enquanto tentamos fonte mais financiamento.

Programa de óculos Student

Susan Stees e eu nos encontramos com o Dr.. Underwood e os funcionários e professores do Programa Opticianry em Hillsborough Community College em Tampa. Eles estão indo para a borda e montar 100 pares de lente esferas negativo em quadros fornecidos pelo VOSH Sudeste. Pode levar vários semestres para completar a 100 pares, mas um número de estudantes manifestaram interesse em participar de uma missão agora ou no futuro. I suggested they join our chapter and maybe we could have them join us on a mission or maybe establish one of their own. Several students went on a mission this past year. Eles são treinados na refração e em contacto com o trabalho da lente, bem como distribuição e afiação e de montagem.

Nós oferecido várias peças de equipamento para as peças para reparar equipamentos e suprimentos. Vários estudantes vivem nesta área e gostaria de obter crédito para ajudar com o nosso trabalho .

Susan Stees (nossa Tesoureiro) will be following up with the school as she is a graduate there.

Esta poderia ser uma coisa boa para o programa escolar e VOSH Sudeste.

Max R. Bruss

VOSH Sudeste - Fornece cuidados com a visão para pessoas em todo o mundo que não podem pagar ou obter.