Blaszany Hut

Lowell Rice

The Storage units used for the storage of donated equipment and glasses are affectionately referred to by VOSH Board members as “Blaszany Hut”.

Donated Eyeglasses & Equipment used for supporting missions are received, cleaned, inspected, repacked and shipped all from these units.

Max Bruss VP Operations
Max Bruss VP Operations

A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes at these units. Max Bruss and Lowell Rice can be found spending hours at a time preparing the glasses and equipment to be shipped out.


These eyeglasses as well as other equipment can be obtained through VOSH Southeast for use on your mission. Check our Equipment page.

VOSH Southeast – Zapewnienie opieki nad wzrokiem ludziom na całym świecie, których nie stać lub na to nie stać.